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Yasmin Lambie-Simpson




Art2Life Creative Visionary Program, 2021 and 2022

Art2Life Mallorca Workshop, October 2021

Expressive Arts with Magaret Lindsey, 2020-2022

Various workshops with Diana Williams, 2020-2021


Jessica Serran Becoming Artist Coaching Program



Course A & B of the Integrated Learning Specialist Program, Alameda County Office of Education, focused on Strategies and Resources for Arts Integration and Assessment of Programs for Arts Integration, in preparation for working with teachers to develop art workshops.


MA, Transformative Art/Holistic Studies, John F Kennedy University


BFA, Painting & Sculpture, San Francisco Art Institute



Museum of the African Diaspora                                                                                                               December 2015 - 2019

Lead art activities, museum trips, storytelling and art activities through a program developed at the Museum of the African Diaspora for 3rd graders in Bay Area schools, to help 3rd graders learn about the African Diaspora and art vocabulary.


Hayward Unified School District                                                                                                          August 2015 - February 2016

Developed a Mask Workshop and curriculum for Hayward Unified School District middle school teachers through the Art is Education workshop series. These workshops were designed to give teachers at schools without art programs the skills and materials to use with their students. An exhibition of the participating school’s students work was displayed at the Hayward Area Historical Society April 2016.


November, 2015

Created a painting workshop for 8-18 year olds at the Castro Valley Library that allowed them to intuitively paint after guided imagery.


Project Manager, Branner Spangenberg Gallery, Redwood City                                                                          2015 -2020

The goal and intention is to combine the elements of a small exhibition space with technology tools to give local Bay Area artists an opportunity to be seen and have engaging dialogue about art in a community with little art exposure. Plans are underway to coordinate with the Redwood City Council to create a mural on the building of the gallery by neighbourhood students to bring the community into the gallery space.

Consultant, Paintbrush Diplomacy                                                                                                                 June-December, 2015

A non-profit organization dedicated to developing awareness of international issues and promotion of peace and understanding through children’s expressions of art. Worked closely with Board members to help develop Paintbrush Diplomacy online museum to be of service to teachers, students and communities to promote the use of Paintbrush Diplomacy’s services as an avenue for learning about different cultures.


Art Committee Co-Chair, Menlo College                                                                                                                       2007-2015

Installation of six shows each year of contemporary local artists to engage and educate Menlo’s Business Major students about the art world. Last major exhibition was the creation and installation of an international exhibition for the school’s 85th anniversary in 2014, 85 years -85 Artists. Artists were randomly allocated a year from 1929-2014 that spanned the life of the college. Each art piece was based on the artist’s research of the year they were allocated, size specific for the space. The exhibition was very well received by the community, reviewed by Kenneth Baker and was made into an online catalogue for purchase.

Co-Founder, Red Door Gallery Collective, Oakland                                                                                                      2009-2011

Created and supervised the installations of exhibitions. Community art groups were included with each exhibition to bring more awareness of the many layers of the Oakland art scene.  Red Door Gallery was one of the first exhibition spaces included in Oakland Art Murmur, now know as First Fridays. Members of the Collective were interviewed on KQED on Against the Grain when Red Door exhibited a series of paintings and writings from a Death Row inmate, which were reviewed for ArtSlant by DeWitt Chang.


Gallery Director, Diego Rivera Gallery                                                                                                                              1990-1998

San Francisco Art Institute

Hired, trained and supervised student curators for a very rigorous exhibition schedule that rotated on a weekly basis. The students were in charge of every aspect of the gallery from installation to reception to marketing. A majority of time was spent consulting with art students on their installations, sometimes of extremely unconventional materials; to help educate them about acceptable installation materials within the parameters of creative freedom, while helping them to push the boundaries. The exhibition schedule included all areas of study in the visual and performance arts offered at SFAI.  This experience deepened the curators understanding of the different skills and tools required for the position.

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